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rent(int[]) - Method in class libsys.Book
Call to rent book, return if renting is successful
rentBtn - Variable in class libsys.MainGUI
rentBtnActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class libsys.MainGUI
RentDialog - Class in libsys
UI for User renting a Book
RentDialog(Frame, boolean, Handler) - Constructor for class libsys.RentDialog
Creates new form RentDialog
rentTest() - Method in class libsys.BookTest
Test the rent(int[]) function functionality
returnBook(User, Book) - Method in class libsys.Handler
Given User returns the given Book
returnBook(int) - Method in class libsys.User
User returns a Book
returnBookTest() - Method in class libsys.HandlerTest
Test the returnBook function
returnBtn - Variable in class libsys.MainGUI
returnBtnActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class libsys.MainGUI
ReturnDialog - Class in libsys
UI for User returning a Book
ReturnDialog(Frame, boolean, Handler, int) - Constructor for class libsys.ReturnDialog
Creates a new ReturnDialog
returned() - Method in class libsys.Book
Return the Book to the shelf
returnStatus - Variable in class libsys.EditBookDialog
returnStatus - Variable in class libsys.EditUserDialog
returnStatus - Variable in class libsys.NewBookDialog
returnStatus - Variable in class libsys.NewUserDialog
returnStatus - Variable in class libsys.RentDialog
returnStatus - Variable in class libsys.ReturnDialog
returnStatus - Variable in class libsys.SettingsDialog
returnTest() - Method in class libsys.BookTest
Test the returned() function functionality
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