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Book - Class in libsys
Book(int) - Constructor for class libsys.Book
Create new Book with given id (Usually used as placeholders)
Book(String, int, String) - Constructor for class libsys.Book
Create new Book with given title, id and status (Usually used for new Book creation)
Book(int, String, String, int[]) - Constructor for class libsys.Book
Create new Book with given id, title, status and dueDate (Usually used for initialization from database)
BookFactory - Class in libsys
BookFactory() - Constructor for class libsys.BookFactory
Create a new empty BookFactory
BookFactory(String) - Constructor for class libsys.BookFactory
Create a new BookFactory and fill it with information from a JSON file
bookStatus() - Method in class libsys.User
Get Book ids of the books
borrowNewBook(int) - Method in class libsys.User
User borrows a Book


EditBookDialog - Class in libsys
EditBookDialog(Frame, boolean, Book) - Constructor for class libsys.EditBookDialog
Create new EditBookDialog
EditUserDialog - Class in libsys
EditUserDialog(Frame, boolean, User, BookFactory) - Constructor for class libsys.EditUserDialog
Creates new EditUserDialog


get(String) - Method in class libsys.Settings
Get the value associated to the field name
getBook(int) - Method in class libsys.BookFactory
Looks for a Book with the given id
getBook(String) - Method in class libsys.BookFactory
Linear search through the array list for Book with the given Title
getBooksFilename() - Method in class libsys.SettingsDialog
Get the new Books file name
getDueDate() - Method in class libsys.Book
Returns the due date of the Book
getId() - Method in class libsys.Book
Returns the id of the Book
getId() - Method in class libsys.User
Gets id of this User
getKey(int) - Method in class libsys.Settings
Get the field name from that specific location in the array list
getLimit() - Method in class libsys.NewUserDialog
Get the limit of the new User
getLimit() - Method in class libsys.User
Gets limit of Book this User can borrow
getName() - Method in class libsys.NewUserDialog
Get the name of the new User
getName() - Method in class libsys.User
Gets name of this User
getNewLimit() - Method in class libsys.EditUserDialog
Returns the limit from the limitTxtField
getNewName() - Method in class libsys.EditBookDialog
Returns the name from the nameTxtField
getNewName() - Method in class libsys.EditUserDialog
Returns the name from the nameTxtField
getReturnStatus() - Method in class libsys.EditBookDialog
Returns if the user selected "Save" or "Cancel"
getReturnStatus() - Method in class libsys.EditUserDialog
Returns if the user selected "Save" or "Cancel"
getReturnStatus() - Method in class libsys.NewBookDialog
Get the return status
getReturnStatus() - Method in class libsys.NewUserDialog
Get the return status
getReturnStatus() - Method in class libsys.RentDialog
Get the return status
getReturnStatus() - Method in class libsys.ReturnDialog
Get the return status
getReturnStatus() - Method in class libsys.SettingsDialog
Get the return status
getStatus() - Method in class libsys.Book
Returns the status of the Book
getStatus() - Method in class libsys.NewBookDialog
Get the status of the new Book
getTitle() - Method in class libsys.Book
Returns the title of the Book
getTitle() - Method in class libsys.NewBookDialog
Get the name of the new Book
getTitle() - Method in class libsys.SettingsDialog
Get the new title for the MainGUi
getUser(String) - Method in class libsys.UserFactory
Looks for the User with the given name
getUser(int) - Method in class libsys.UserFactory
Looks for a User with the given id
getUsersFilename() - Method in class libsys.SettingsDialog
Get the new Users file name


libsys - package libsys


Main - Class in libsys
Main() - Constructor for class libsys.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class libsys.Main
Start the applicationn
MainGUI - Class in libsys
MainGUI(Handler, Settings) - Constructor for class libsys.MainGUI
Creates a new MainGUI


newBook(String, String) - Method in class libsys.BookFactory
Adds a new Book into this class
NewBookDialog - Class in libsys
NewBookDialog(Frame, boolean) - Constructor for class libsys.NewBookDialog
Creates new form NewBookDialog
newUser(String, int) - Method in class libsys.UserFactory
Adds a new User into this class
NewUserDialog - Class in libsys
NewUserDialog(Frame, boolean) - Constructor for class libsys.NewUserDialog
Creates new form NewUserDialog


overdueFine(int[]) - Method in class libsys.Book
Calculate the overdue fine


rent(int[]) - Method in class libsys.Book
Call to rent book, return if renting is successful
RentDialog - Class in libsys
RentDialog(Frame, boolean, Handler) - Constructor for class libsys.RentDialog
Creates new form RentDialog
returnBook(int) - Method in class libsys.User
User returns a Book
ReturnDialog - Class in libsys
ReturnDialog(Frame, boolean, Handler, int) - Constructor for class libsys.ReturnDialog
Creates a new ReturnDialog
returned() - Method in class libsys.Book
Return the Book to the shelf


setBookFileName(String) - Method in class libsys.BookFactory
Update the output filename for the object
setBooksFilename(String) - Method in class libsys.Settings
Change the file name for the Books
setLimit(int) - Method in class libsys.User
Change limit of this User
setName(String) - Method in class libsys.User
Change name of this User
Settings - Class in libsys
Settings(String) - Constructor for class libsys.Settings
Creates new Settings importing information from the given file name
SettingsDialog - Class in libsys
SettingsDialog(Frame, boolean, Settings) - Constructor for class libsys.SettingsDialog
Creates new SettingsDialog
setTitle(String) - Method in class libsys.Book
Set the title to the given title
setTitle(String) - Method in class libsys.Settings
Change the title of the application
setUserFileName(String) - Method in class libsys.UserFactory
Update the output filename for the object
setUsersFilename(String) - Method in class libsys.Settings
Change the file name for the Users
size() - Method in class libsys.Settings
Amount of fields in the settings
status() - Method in class libsys.User
Check status of the User


toFile() - Method in class libsys.Settings
Save the settings to the given input file
toJsonFile() - Method in class libsys.BookFactory
Output the data into a JSON file replacing the input file (or if filename not given, "books.json")
toJsonFile() - Method in class libsys.UserFactory
Output the data into a JSON file replacing the input file (or if filename not given, "users.json")


update(Book, Book) - Method in class libsys.BookFactory
Replacing a Book in the array list with a new Book
update(User, User) - Method in class libsys.UserFactory
Replacing a User in the array list with a new User
User - Class in libsys
User(String, int, int) - Constructor for class libsys.User
Creates a new User with name, id and limit (usually used to add new User)
User(String, int, int, ArrayList<Integer>) - Constructor for class libsys.User
Creates a new User with name, id, limit and books (usually used to initialize from database)
UserFactory - Class in libsys
UserFactory() - Constructor for class libsys.UserFactory
Create a new empty UserFactory
UserFactory(String) - Constructor for class libsys.UserFactory
Create a new UserFactory and fill it with information from a JSON file
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