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  1. #### __* Work in progress__
  2. ##### Disclaimer:
  3. This program is written solely on personal time with the purpose to pick up the C++ programming language once again after a long long time since I last wrote anything with it.
  4. The original version of this program (as seen in the initial commit) was a version of my work years ago. I decided that starting from scratch might not be the best idea when it comes to a programming language that I haven't use for a long time. However, as years pass, there are different things that I've learn from other programming languages that I thought would be fun to see how that implementation works with C++ so it will eventually be very much different from what it was.
  5. # Ticketing System
  6. Currently the program only works as a login system that keeps track of users and enable them to login and logout while updating their information.
  7. ## Person.hpp / Person.cpp
  8. #### Constructors
  9. | Parameters | Task |
  10. |:-----------|:-----------------------------|
  11. | `()` | Empty constructor. |
  12. | `string newName`<br>`string newEmail`<br>`string newPhoneNo`<br>`string newPassword`<br>`int newId` | Constructor with all parameters to populate all data slots in the object. |
  13. #### Functions
  14. | Function | Task |
  15. |:----------------------|:-------------------------|
  16. | `void setName(string);` | Set `name` to the new given input. |
  17. | `string getName();` | Return `name` to caller. |
  18. | `void setEmail(string);` | Set `email` to the new given input. |
  19. | `string getEmail();` | Return `email` to caller. |
  20. | `void setPhoneNo(string);` | Set `phoneNo` to the new given input. |
  21. | `string getPhoneNo();` | Return `phoneNo` to caller. |
  22. | `void setPassword(string);` | Set `password` to the new given input. |
  23. | `string getPassword();` | Return `password` to the caller. |
  24. | `bool checkPassword(string);` | Return if the given string matches `password`. |
  25. | `int getId();` | Return `id` to the caller. |
  26. ## LogInSystem.cpp
  27. #### Functions
  28. | Function | Task |
  29. |:----------------------|:-------------------------|
  30. | `Person getUser(string);` | Takes in a string parameter that will be used to searched for a matching username in the users vector. |
  31. | `Person getUser(int);` | Takes in an int parameter that will be used to searched for a matching id in the users vector. |
  32. | `void login();` | |
  33. | `void loggedIn(Person);` | Takes in a Person parameter after the user has logged in as that identity. It provides the user options to display and modify the information of that specific identity in the database (vector). |
  34. | `Person registration();` | Request all the required information from the user to register for a new account and add them into the users vector. |
  35. | `Person editCredentials(Person);` | Takes in a Person parameter and make edit to it according to the user's intention. It will then return the updated Person to the caller. |
  36. | `void update(Person);` | Take in a Person parameter that is to be updated into the users vector. It will search for the Person in the vector with matching ID and replace it. |