- /*
- * Written by : Bin Hong Lee
- * Last edited : Dec 29, 2016
- *
- */
- #include <iostream>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <json/json.h>
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- #include "Person.cpp"
- #include "Vehicle.cpp"
- using namespace std;
- //Declaration of functions
- Person getUser(string);
- Person getUser(int);
- bool login();
- void loggedIn(Person);
- Person registration();
- Person editCredentials(Person);
- void update(Person);
- string chgUsername();
- string chgPassword(Person);
- string chgEmail();
- string chgPhoneNo();
- vector<Vehicle> vehicles;
- vector<Person> users;
- static int wrongPass = 0;
- static int globalUserId;
- int main()
- {
- ifstream fin("database.txt");
- while (!fin.eof())
- {
- string username;
- string password;
- string email;
- string phoneNo;
- int id;
- fin >> username >> password >> email >> phoneNo >> id;
- Person newPerson(username, password, email, phoneNo, id);
- users.push_back(newPerson);
- }
- users.pop_back();
- globalUserId = users.back().getId() + 1;
- /*
- ifstream otherFin("vehiclesData.txt");
- while (!otherFin.eof())
- {
- string type;
- int length;
- int width;
- string origin;
- string destination;
- string dateNtime;
- int id;
- otherFin >> type >> length >> width >> origin >> destination >> dateNtime >> id;
- vector< vector<int> > seatMap;
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
- {
- vector<int> row;
- for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
- {
- int temp;
- otherFin >> temp;
- row.push_back(temp);
- }
- seatMap.push_back(row);
- }
- Vehicle newVehicle(type, length, width, origin, destination, dateNtime, id, seatMap);
- vehicles.push_back(newVehicle);
- }
- vehicles.pop_back();
- */
- int userOption = -1;
- while (userOption != 0)
- {
- cout << "Please choose one of the following options :" << endl;
- cout << "Log In - 1" << endl;
- cout << "Registration - 2" << endl;
- cout << "Exit - 0" << endl;
- cin >> userOption;
- bool loggedOut = 0;
- switch (userOption)
- {
- case 1:
- while (wrongPass < 3 && !loggedOut)
- {
- loggedOut = login();
- }
- break;
- case 2: loggedIn(registration()); break;
- case 0: break;
- default:
- cout << "Invalid input. Please try again." << endl;
- }
- }
- ofstream fout("database.txt");
- while (!users.empty())
- {
- fout << users.begin()->getName() << " " << users.begin()->getPassword() << " " << users.begin()->getEmail() << " " << users.begin()->getPhoneNo() << " " << users.begin()->getId() << endl;
- users.erase(users.begin());
- }
- return 0;
- }
- Person getUser(string name)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++)
- {
- if (users.at(i).getName() == name)
- {
- return users.at(i);
- }
- }
- throw invalid_argument("");
- }
- Person getUser(int toSearchId)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++)
- {
- if (users.at(i).getId() == toSearchId)
- {
- return users.at(i);
- }
- }
- throw invalid_argument("");
- }
- bool login()
- {
- Person currentUser(-1);
- string username;
- string password;
- //If the user already has 3 fail attempt to login
- if (wrongPass > 2)
- {
- //Print error message and exit
- cout << "Too many failed login attempt. The program will now be terminated." << endl;
- return false;
- }
- try
- {
- //Ask for username
- cout << "Username:";
- cin >> username;
- //Ask for password
- cout << "Password:";
- cin >> password;
- //Get the user
- currentUser = getUser(username);
- }
- catch (invalid_argument ag)
- {
- cout << "Invalid username or password. Please try again." << endl;
- wrongPass++;
- return false;
- }
- if (!currentUser.checkPassword(password))
- {
- cout << "Invalid username or password. Please try again." << endl;
- wrongPass++;
- return false;
- }
- loggedIn(currentUser);
- return true;
- }
- Person registration()
- {
- bool available;
- string username;
- string password;
- string password2;
- string email;
- string phoneNo;
- do
- {
- try
- {
- cout << "Username: ";
- cin >> username;
- getUser(username);
- cout << "Username taken. Please try again." << endl;
- available = false;
- }
- catch (invalid_argument ag)
- {
- available = true;
- }
- } while (!available);
- cout << "Username is available." << endl;
- do
- {
- //Get password
- cout << "Password : ";
- cin >> password;
- //Confirm password
- cout << "Confirm password :";
- cin >> password2;
- //Print error message if both password is not the same
- if (password != password2)
- cout << "Password unmatched. Please try again.";
- //Loop until both password input is the same
- } while (password != password2);
- //Get email
- cout << "Email : ";
- cin >> email;
- //Get phone number
- cout << "Phone No. : ";
- cin >> phoneNo;
- //Create and push the new 'Person' into stack
- Person newUser(username, password, email, phoneNo, globalUserId);
- users.push_back(newUser);
- globalUserId++;
- //Print success message
- cout << "Account is successfully registered." << endl;
- return newUser;
- }
- void loggedIn(Person currentUser)
- {
- int choice;
- do {
- cout << "Please choose one of the following options: " << endl;
- cout << "View credentials - 1" << endl;
- cout << "Edit credentials - 2" << endl;
- cout << "Exit - 0" << endl;
- cin >> choice;
- switch(choice)
- {
- case 1:
- cout << "Username : " << currentUser.getName() << endl;
- cout << "Email : " << currentUser.getEmail() << endl;
- cout << "Phone No.: " << currentUser.getPhoneNo() << endl;
- break;
- case 2:
- currentUser = editCredentials(currentUser);
- break;
- case 0:
- return;
- default:
- cout << "Invalid option. Please try again." << endl;
- cout << endl;
- }
- } while(choice != 0);
- }
- Person editCredentials(Person currentUser)
- {
- int choice;
- cout << "Which of the following to edit?" << endl;
- cout << "Username - 1" << endl;
- cout << "Password - 2" << endl;
- cout << "Email - 3" << endl;
- cout << "Phone No. - 4" << endl;
- cout << "Exit - 0" << endl;
- cin >> choice;
- switch (choice)
- {
- case 1:
- currentUser.setName(chgUsername());
- update(currentUser);
- cout << "Username is updated." << endl;
- break;
- case 2:
- currentUser.setPassword(chgPassword(currentUser));
- cout << "Password is updated." << endl;
- break;
- case 3:
- currentUser.setEmail(chgEmail());
- cout << "Email is updated." << endl;
- break;
- case 4:
- currentUser.setPhoneNo(chgPhoneNo());
- cout << "Phone number is updated." << endl;
- break;
- }
- return currentUser;
- }
- void update(Person newInfo)
- {
- int position = users.size() / 2;
- while (position < users.size() && position >= 0)
- {
- if (users.at(position).getId() == newInfo.getId())
- {
- users.erase(users.begin() + position);
- users.insert(users.begin() + position, newInfo);
- cout << users.at(position).getName() << endl;
- return;
- }
- if (users.at(position).getId() < newInfo.getId())
- {
- position++;
- }
- else
- {
- position--;
- }
- }
- }
- string chgUsername()
- {
- bool availablility;
- string newUsername;
- do
- {
- availablility = true;
- cout << "New Username: ";
- cin >> newUsername;
- for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++)
- {
- if (users.at(i).getName() == newUsername)
- {
- availablility = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- } while (!availablility);
- cout << "Username is available." << endl;
- return newUsername;
- }
- string chgPassword(Person currentUser)
- {
- string password;
- string newPassword0;
- string newPassword1;
- cout << "Please input the current password : ";
- cin >> password;
- while (!currentUser.checkPassword(password) && wrongPass < 3)
- {
- cout << "Wrong password. Please try again." << endl;
- wrongPass++;
- cout << "Please input the current password : ";
- cin >> password;
- }
- do {
- cout << "Please input the new password : ";
- cin >> newPassword0;
- cout << "Please confirm your new password : ";
- cin >> newPassword1;
- } while(newPassword0 != newPassword1);
- return newPassword0;
- }
- string chgEmail()
- {
- string newEmail;
- cout << "Please input the new email : ";
- cin >> newEmail;
- return newEmail;
- }
- string chgPhoneNo()
- {
- string newPhoneNo;
- cout << "Please input the new phone no. : ";
- cin >> newPhoneNo;
- return newPhoneNo;
- }